fuck ...... we knew this would happen ... damn you dan . always gotta be so god damn thick skulled dont ya .... fine ill fucking talk to you on my own .. i leave chris out cause i know you dont wanna hear fuck all from him ... but your going to fucknig hear it from me
stop misconstruing my fucking words and stop thinking that everyone is out to get you .. cause the longer you do that and the longer you feel that .... the more truer and true it WILL become
wanna take what we say the wrong way ... not listen to the reasoning for WHY we say what we say .... fine have you pity dwell on your anger to us asking why and "telling" you who NOT to love ... there were only 1056457586 reasons why we fucknig said what we said ..... you just cant get it into your skull
gotta be a god damn german thing
dan all that happened cause we all needed to have our eyes opened
matt learned something from it
as did laura
and liz
and me
and chris
and even you .... or at least you DAMN well better have or i garantee something worse will happen .... but thats not for me to decide .... its up to you
we all got an understanding of ourselves from what me n chris pulled off .....
im sorry for HAVING to do it ... but it WAS necessary and you will get the bigger picture after you realize not to be so anti self .... and so fucking depressed over issues that need dealing with ... not depression
dan when you learn what pain really is .... you will know how to act to it
its obvious that she hasnt hurt you enough .... tearing your heart right out of your chest and rubbing it in every day doesnt seem to be enough to sway your love from her ..... and thats your stupidity
if you like we shall talk face to face ... i almost always free .. and i never sleep ... so just go downstairs when your parents are asleep ... find me on here and converse away .... i knew people would be mad ..... i risked it and was willing to risk it as long as it helps ..... if everyone feels some temperary discomfort to it all ..... but it all gets settled in the end
then deal with it as it happens
enjoy your weekends all .. i think ill just stay in and relax for what remains of mine .... after tomorow of course ... ehich is freakin nerve wracking needless to say
take it easy all .. and thanks for the well wishings diana