Welcome to My December

Wednesday, May 28, 2003


damn Lesile u posted a hell lot of things on here, wow, well in math class again doing the same project,
brooke i sooo can back u up the the whole guy not trusting thing, well also i look at it like this, we are all young no one truly knows what they want we all act like some one we aren't cause we are trying to figure out who we are, so u hurt people by breaking there hurts or something, no i really don't care what any guys says they all lie some point in the relationship i really dont care i have met very sweet guys but they even said they do i mean u can't always be soo happy and perfect and, why because god made us like this he made us want to have heart breaks and cry and just thing that the world is the worst thing of all, but really it's the best thing of all, we become stronger and wiser to know ourselfs and other people to, so
never play with "LOVE" it's the strongest word in the world if u truly love someone so much that u would give them the world and die for them then that's "LOVE". people thing it's something else like they are sooo perfect and mean everything and such but nope that just means ur fartuated for them. ( can not spell) so for everyone thing twice before u say that u love someone or truly care for them k, thanks :)

well me i am doing alright could be sooo much better just the fact that exams are next week and such and other things, so everyone enjoy life, take each day like there's no tomorrow,
alright talk to u all later, peace
love u all,
~*~ Twisted Angel~*~


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