Welcome to My December

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


well then schools been going on for about a week now, and i think that these are gonna be some of the best times of my life yet, just cuz i'm actually injoining it. the atmosphere is so much different from highschool. i dont know things just seem so much easier and i couldn't be happy with corteny.. well maybe if i was with her all the time.. but things are ok i see her about once a week for a night or sometimes for 3 days... depened on if shes at the trailor or not. anyways thats enough posting for now.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


It's almost been a month since i last posted, well i mean what can i say things are going really great... i couldn't be happier, well yes i can, if i wasn't here at school i could be at home with cortney... oh well i mean shes gonna be up here next year for schooling and were gonna live together and its gonna be so wonderful. i can hardly wait. anyways i'm saure your dying to know how school is going.. well its going ok my classes dont start until tomorrow. i've been in orientation so far this week. about to to 3 hours each day.. wasn't too bad but i could have thought of other things to do with my time like sleeping. anyways i think thats enough for now. maybe i'll post again some time soon... although i would imagine i will begin to post alot more now that i'm up here and not always out with cortney. so cya.