Welcome to My December

Monday, May 31, 2004

So Far So Good

well as the title would explain, so far so good. my summer hasn't thus far been bad. lets hope it just stays that way. I mean look at the lyrics from the song "so Far So Good" by Thornley "Everytime I get lost in paradise I find a way to screw it up somehow". I just how i don't screw things up this time. Anyways so things are going good with me and cortney. I got to see her yesterday which made me feel happy. Another thing that kinda made me alittle bit at easy was when i was talking about sam's babysitter and cortney asked if she was good looking and i said no, cortney said good so she doesn't have to worry about anything then. I know she shouldn't have to worry in the first place and i wish she didn't but i mean it puts me alittle at ease to know that she might care about me as much as i care about her. Well i'm gonna make sure that she doesn't have any reason to worry about losing me to someone else, cuz i know what it feels like to have to be nervous and worry about losing someone you really care about. well ciao

Friday, May 28, 2004


Well its friday night, and no word from cortney yet. i wonder were she is or if shes gonna call me, cuz i kinda need to know whats going on so i can call rob and tell him. meh oh well what can you do. anyways my offspring sweater is so comfy... sorry that was a little side note. Oh well, i think i'll go play on L.O.D. for a little while. ciao

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Edge 102

ok well i think i ran out of titles for the posts, so any post that really i really cant think of a tilte to spawn a topic i will just use "Random Stuff" or "Random" or "Stuff" any sort of combination of that probably works well. Anyways so i was listening to the edge this morning and they sent one guy out on the street with a mic just saying "In Your Face" to strangers, it was pretty funny to see peoples reactions and how well that line works. Also the morning show always plays the "what happen" sound, and some lady called in that they stole it from somebody, without crediting it, but littel did she know they they never said it was theres and that they didn't credit the guy, so they made fun of her for a bit.. i love people that write or call into the radio shows complaining abotu them. I mean why are these people listening to the morning show in the frist place if they are gonna complain. god get a life. stupid people really bother me. makes me want to call or write in and complain about the people that complain. maybe one day i will if someone really stupid complains about something really stupid. and i think i just found a title for this post. Edge 102. anyways i think thats about it for now, well ciao, and enjoy


Last night was good, it was a good way to end the day, seeing as how i had such a shitty day yesterday. Concert was amazing, saw kyle, ty figuera, mike fuime. Met a couple of fuime's friends there, they were cool guys, funny drunks thats for sure. although 2 of them got busted just as they lite up a joint, and they had to pay the security $30 to stay in the concert, it was pretty funny. They didn't him or me when he lite up another one just before offspring came on stage but that might have been cuz we were a couple people back from the front of the crowd and i'm sure it would have taken a long time for the gaurds to get into the crowd and get us, plus with offspring just starting to play i'm sure the gaurds didn't want to have to put up with a whole mob of people. When one of them was going to body surf he went head of heals and fell down, he was ok though. I lost my shoe for a couple mins, and then when i was pushed to the ground by someone body surfing falling on me i found it. lucky me. i bought a sweater while i was there, it fits fine but i'm worried about it shrinking in the wash and not fitting so well anymore. And $50 for a sweater is pretty good. its only in one ear were its still ringing from the concert. being at that concert was an amazing feeling, i felt like i was drunk or stoned but i hadn't had anything but a quick drag from josh's 1 pape, and that wont do anything to me. Well i cant wait to see cortney this weekend, if i get to. Well my car has to go in, in two weeks, and i need to find out how to get from head office to the train station. it's all looking very complicated, i can get from head office to the eglinton go station but then if i take 5:55 train it only goes to pickering and i think i then have to change trains to get to ajax. or i can just get someone to pick me up from pickering. i dont know we'll see. this is all very confusing to me. anyways i think thats that for now, i better get back to work now.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


well well well, tonight is the night. first concert, woohoo i'm pretty excited. I was looking forward to my first concert to be a linkin park concert but offspring is a good second choice, i mean after all smash was the first cd i ever bought. so why not follow up with letting offspring be a first. Offspring and Linkin Park are my firsts for things. corntey messaged me yesterday on the way home. that made me really happy. things are going pretty good, haven't seen her in 3 weeks, and talk to her maybe once a week, but i mean i got a feeling that once the summer hits things will get better, and i'll see her more often. oh i cant wait. Then when she goes up to trent next year thats gonna be perfect cuz she'll be right in town. Hey theres even chances of moving to a place together, which would be cool. its too bad that our 5 bedroom place feel through and we didn't get it. that place that ed had would have been cool to, 5 bedroom apartment for 5 people, but the only thing is we have to pay for all the utilies. hey what ever happens happens and we can only hope for the best. Well the day went from bad to worse. for those of you that know the car the maybach, well guess what i was driving it, and scratched the fucker. stupid fucking long wide ass cars. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK! i dont really know what to say anymore cuz now i just want to go home. this is fucking ridiculus. dont really want to eat lunch either, all of a sudden i lost all excitement about going to the concert tonight. fuck why does something always have to ruin my fucking day.

Monday, May 24, 2004


Weekend wasn't too bad, spent the whole time up north cuz there was nothing to do here in ajax. Friday didn't do much when we went up but thats ok, watched some movies and hung out. saturday rob, kate, emily, josie and i drove into town. we went to the mall so i could get some shoes and then we went over to the house to drop off the lease agreement. so excited about that.gonna be amazing.pretty much live up there on the weekends until i'm finished work and then live in ajax during the week so i can still go to work. of course i'll spend most fo the day on the weekends at the park just cuz there wont be much to do during the day at the house its only at night were things happen, so i'll probably be at the park in the morning and then i'll be there till 11:00 at night cuz thats when curfew is so it only makes sense to just leave and then come back in the morning if there is something to do or someone to see. Anyways sunday morning there was horseshoes, didn't win but thats ok. Sunday ngiht i had to DJ 3 dances, teeny-bopper, pre-teen, and teen. the teen was pretty fun, some new, nice people showed up which is always good. then this morning there was horseshoes again, and this time i won, makeing $12 which is pretty high cuz you only get like 1/4 of the money that was brought in to play. and thats pretty much all that happened this weekend. anyways thats about it so ciao.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Ok so its final, i am moving to peterborough with matt, casey and liz. We found a 4 bedroom basement apartment, with two bathrooms, a kitchen (including a fridge and stove), a living room, private entrance in the rear, and two parking spots. Its got heating, hydro, and water. cable and phone we have to organize ourselfs. its gonna cost $350 a month, and its only a 5 minute drive from fleming. We got a direct bus route in front of the building, an IGA and a pharmacy right next door. The hospital is just down the street in walking distance, so at any parties if people need to go to the hospital it wont be that far. I doubt we will have huge parties just because we will be living in an apartment complex, kinda like red bricks only much better. we will only be useing 3 bedrooms, cuz liz and casey are sharing one, and the 4th one we are turning into a den, where we will have our computers and crap. i already got myself a bed hehe, and its not the one from my house. i managed to get me a queen sized bed... haha go me. well looks like cortney will not move in with us, unless we find another place or i move out after a year and get a place with cortney, which would be cool even if we are only friends. we are only friends right now, but i'm sure with time that will change just cause we already know that we like each other, we are just a tad bit too busy to have time for each other at the moment, which is ok cuz when we can be together we are. now i gotta find out when i will be going up north this weekend cuz i have to drop the paper work off for the house, all our parents have signed its just casey and my self have not signed the lease agreement yet. so we gotta do that and i will have to take it to this lady sometime this weekend, which isn't too bad cuz i will get to take a look at the place. anyways i think thats about it for today. cya

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Accident Update

Well after talking to the insurance company and what not, it turns out that the accident is a no fault accident, meaning neither one of us was at fault, or we were both at fault. Either way it turns out that i dont have to pay for his repairs at all, i only have to pay for mine, and we aren't gonna claim cuz if we do its gonna raise my insurance by $500 for that next three years and i lose all my no-claim bonus. so i gotta spend some cash and fix the car now. Also some more good news i got my special pricing on my stereo system. and for a new deck, front & rear speakers, one of the top alpine amps, and two 2nd best alpine 12 inch subs is only gonna cost me a total of $1,325.00(taxes inculded) once i order the stuff my connection is gonna hook me up with an special install price. so i'm pretty happy. so when my car is all fixed and my system is in its gonna be a total of around $4,000, cuz the car is $2,500 and the system is gonna be just over $1,500 so thats pretty good. anyways i think thats enough for me today.

Monday, May 17, 2004


Well my weekend wasn't too bad, except saturday night. i wasn't feeling to good, orginally i was supposed to go up north, but i decided to stay home to drink with casey and matt. but then i started to feel sick just after dinner. so i laid down and turned on a movie till i fell asleep. it was a pretty good sleep considering i hadn't slept since thursday. But yeah everyone left messages on my cell cuz i didn't show up at caseys that night. i kinda feel bad about that. but you know thats ok. what can you do. well when i finally did go up north the next day i got stoned out of my face with jimmy and worm. that was funny. it was like i was tired and hearing things cuz i would think i hear something and then respond but it would be completely off topic. haha oh well what can you do. i didn't get to see cortney this weekend :( that kinda sucked. and also i was supposed to see kathleen on sunday but she cancelled that cuz she wasn't feeling good so i'm porbably gonna see her tonight after night school. anyways i thinks thats about it for today. lets see how the rest of the week turns out. hopefully it turns out ok.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

144 by GOB

I want to know the place
Where you come from
I like to see your face
When i wake up
I offer me just for yourself
Wrapped up for you and no one else
And no one else
Could be appreciative
Be as appreciative
Of your charm
When you walk you take
You take your time
Take the tiniest steps
When i’m at your side
If you feel you’re left behind
I’ll slow down to your pace
And we’ll be like a tree
And we’ll grow on
And if the world should end
With fires and bombs
I’d like to be there holding hands
With you i’ll view the end of the lands
And no one else could steal a piece
Like you could steal a piece that big
Of my heart
I want to be with you
And we will be together
I want to be with you
And we will live forever


Well, i'm not sure what the case is but when i view the stie, the pictures aren't showing up, unless you actually view them from the source first. no idea why thats doing that but i'm trying to find a solution to this problem. also i noticed that when publishing the entire site, which i dont think you guys can do, maybe you can maybe you cant i dont really remeber what kind of access you guys have, but the updating process seems to stop updating after a certain point and the percentage nevers gets close to 100% after that point. maybe this is a blogger wide issue or maybe its just something to do with how old my blog is, cuz if you think about it the blog has been around for 1 and a half years now, and so many people have come and gone, and there have been so many changes to the coding and with all my own personal coding, it all could effect the way the blogger updates. oh well i'm sure given alittle bit of time things will fall into place and the blog will be functioning and looking very well. remeber if you have any comments please share them so that i can make changes to the blog.


Tuesday, May 11, 2004


my thoughts on the comments thing... i think its a pretty good idea, that way, you can just add comments to the posts made as of yesterday, and leave making new posts to whole new topics. unless of course people dont like that idea then i'll just can the whole comments thing as is.

Random Stuff

anyways my dads home now, he hasn't said anything about the car but i'm sure hes gonna say something. I'm not to sure about this whole conert things now, cuz cortney was gonna go to edgefest but now she might not, and i was gonna give up my ticket to go and watch it with her in the grass. and then i think kyle will be the only one i know going to offspring. meh what can you do. i gotta sell my edgefest ticket though. and i dotn feel like signing up at ebay just to do it, maybe i'll put it in the newspaper and see.. or maybe i will go but by myself who knows. i mean there are some good bands playing. anyways thats enough for now, i'll post more later, cuz i gotta do some work on the site make it look bit better then it is.

ps: Noelle bit your tongue.


Noelle where do you get off thinking that you can just assume or depend on me to give you and derek a ride home from night school. First off thats your first mistake, dont assume things. Secondly, dont depend on me for a ride when you dont ask because how do you know that i haven't already made other plans, do you think i sit around and wait for you or other people to assume that i will drive you somewhere, sorry but i've got a life aside from driving your ass around. And if your gonna ask me for a ride, ask me in advance not tell me 5 mins before you need one, or after class, i'm not gonna drop everything so i can take you somewhere. And as far as calling me a jackass for not giving you a ride, DEAL WITH IT! sounds familiar dont you think. you always say it but you dont listen to your self, maybe you should start. What makes you think that you can just depend on me for a ride without even telling me, ok sure maybe in the past, in the beginning of the school term, yeah fine. but if you haven't noticed i dont hang out with you that much anymore. Oh and about that whole thing with cortney and her moving in with us in peterborough, thats none of your concern, how dare you ask "who says" and with the attitude that you said it in. Look thats none of your business, our house has nothing to do with you or derek you guys have no part in it, so just mind your own business and fuck off. who the fuck do you think you are? And then with the whole trying to tell me what happen within the group in the past before you were introduced, you have no idea what your talking about so just shut your mouth. As far as i'm concerned you dont have any say in the way the group was, or is now, i still dont concider you part of the group so just keep your mouth shut, and if other people see it otherwise fine by them, but to me you aren't and you shouldn't talk about what you dont know. anyways thats enough of the ranting.

Friday, May 07, 2004

Well, i never thought it would happen to me, but it did. I was in an accident tonight, i admit it was my fault it pretty much ran a red light cuz i wasn't paying attention and some guy hit me as he was coming from the right because he had a green light. everything happened so fast. thank god no one got hurt, i dont know what i would do if someone did get hurt, i dont think i could live with myself. I was the driver the lives of the people in my car are in my hands, not only did i put their lives at risk but i also betrayed their trust, because when they get into my car they trust that i will drive safly and get them from point A to point B alive and well. Ok i might not always drive safely but i was driving the speed limit in this situation i just didn't pay close enough attention to what was going on around me.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

loo, i hate my parents too, they just think i'm stupid tho, i'm going to college adventually