So Far So Good
well as the title would explain, so far so good. my summer hasn't thus far been bad. lets hope it just stays that way. I mean look at the lyrics from the song "so Far So Good" by Thornley "Everytime I get lost in paradise I find a way to screw it up somehow". I just how i don't screw things up this time. Anyways so things are going good with me and cortney. I got to see her yesterday which made me feel happy. Another thing that kinda made me alittle bit at easy was when i was talking about sam's babysitter and cortney asked if she was good looking and i said no, cortney said good so she doesn't have to worry about anything then. I know she shouldn't have to worry in the first place and i wish she didn't but i mean it puts me alittle at ease to know that she might care about me as much as i care about her. Well i'm gonna make sure that she doesn't have any reason to worry about losing me to someone else, cuz i know what it feels like to have to be nervous and worry about losing someone you really care about. well ciao