Welcome to My December

Monday, May 24, 2004


Weekend wasn't too bad, spent the whole time up north cuz there was nothing to do here in ajax. Friday didn't do much when we went up but thats ok, watched some movies and hung out. saturday rob, kate, emily, josie and i drove into town. we went to the mall so i could get some shoes and then we went over to the house to drop off the lease agreement. so excited about that.gonna be amazing.pretty much live up there on the weekends until i'm finished work and then live in ajax during the week so i can still go to work. of course i'll spend most fo the day on the weekends at the park just cuz there wont be much to do during the day at the house its only at night were things happen, so i'll probably be at the park in the morning and then i'll be there till 11:00 at night cuz thats when curfew is so it only makes sense to just leave and then come back in the morning if there is something to do or someone to see. Anyways sunday morning there was horseshoes, didn't win but thats ok. Sunday ngiht i had to DJ 3 dances, teeny-bopper, pre-teen, and teen. the teen was pretty fun, some new, nice people showed up which is always good. then this morning there was horseshoes again, and this time i won, makeing $12 which is pretty high cuz you only get like 1/4 of the money that was brought in to play. and thats pretty much all that happened this weekend. anyways thats about it so ciao.


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