Welcome to My December

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Edge 102

ok well i think i ran out of titles for the posts, so any post that really i really cant think of a tilte to spawn a topic i will just use "Random Stuff" or "Random" or "Stuff" any sort of combination of that probably works well. Anyways so i was listening to the edge this morning and they sent one guy out on the street with a mic just saying "In Your Face" to strangers, it was pretty funny to see peoples reactions and how well that line works. Also the morning show always plays the "what happen" sound, and some lady called in that they stole it from somebody, without crediting it, but littel did she know they they never said it was theres and that they didn't credit the guy, so they made fun of her for a bit.. i love people that write or call into the radio shows complaining abotu them. I mean why are these people listening to the morning show in the frist place if they are gonna complain. god get a life. stupid people really bother me. makes me want to call or write in and complain about the people that complain. maybe one day i will if someone really stupid complains about something really stupid. and i think i just found a title for this post. Edge 102. anyways i think thats about it for now, well ciao, and enjoy


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