So my last couple of nights were great, i got to see laura friday night, then saturday, i went out and sat in Timmys with you guys and your dumb wiger cousin and laura was the driver for some part, i cant believe you guys laughed at my driving i drive better then laura, sure i wait awhile if i'm not sure i can go, its better to be safe then die. Would you rather me have taken my chance and you guys all be dead. Earlier that day i say niki, we watched spiderman, it was ok. i sat in was a flim critic as usual, oh well what can you do, i like to pick apart movies. Seeing pictures of her and her bf made me thing about laura, and all the good times we have had, and how i miss those times, although the last couple of nights were funny. Ang i'm telling you if you dont die your hair blonde and shave your eyebrows i will run you over. Thats right every i now have my
G2, so watch out, if i say i'm gonna run you over, i will be able to now, so your in for it. Anyways we should all get together again, cuz ang and pam you guys aer my sorce of entertainment. sorry if that sounds mean but you guys are so funny. So school starts again on monday, yeah me, does anyone else here hate school, i do. i think school blows. but what can you do, well you can become homeless but i dont think i'd like that, nor would any of my friends. So yeah stay in school so you dont become a waste of space, cuz i think that the homeless are wasting space, they're gonna die anyways if they dont get off the street, and they smell, and they carry desieses so kill them off before they make the world sick, and all those poor kids in africa, kill them too, stop wasting your money on something like that when the money doesn't even go to the kids, think about it, who pays for the commercials, and who pays the fliming crew, and what about the airplane tickets to get down there, and what about the pamflets that they send you in the mail all these things cost money, and chruches as far as i know are poor and so are these fundations, so who pays for that stuff, thats right you stupid people do. I mean if they were doing bad off there wont be so many of them, they would already be dead, but there not and they have been living like that for a long time and they are still around so they must be doing something right. Anyways thats my rant, i dont know how i got started on it but whatever let me know what you think. I might be getting a job, at kelseys by lauras house they are accepting people starting monday at 9:00 am, so i'm going in after school hopefully i get the job. Anyways, have fun in life!!!