Welcome to My December

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Yeah so last night was the worst experience ever, oh my god, i couldn't feel my self walking, when i looked down at the ground i wasn't moving but when i looked up we were closer to our destination. And i can not remeber anything from the first 2h - 2 1/2h all i remeber is littles bits of things, what happened in between i have no clue, i cant rember what happened in between two points that i remeber, my stomach hurt so much, it still is, that stuff burned the throat, my god i dont want to do taht ever again. I still have a headache and its not going away. I remeber throwing up last night, i threw up the sub i had for lunch i think, there were bits and pieces of meat and other salady looking things in it, o well, after that i was ok, i couldn'y walk for the longest time though. The movie seemed interesting from the parts that i remeber, now i want to go see it again. My pipe changed colour i think, i haven't actually looked at it since, so i need to take a look see if anything is different. but yeah thats enough for me, i couldn't take last night, normally i'm happy and my eyes are huge and its fun, last night just hurt and it was not fun, and i didn't feel happy. I could feel my heart beating really hard against my chest, and i could feel my lungs breathing in and out. Guys remind me never to go and smoke up again, that was just some bad shit. anyways enough ranting...


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