Welcome to My December

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Day 15

ok so i failed to report on Day 11, 12, 13, 14, but i'm posting now. Anyways its been 15 days since i have been asked not to talk to steph again. And its been, and its also been 10 days since i got my tattoo. I guess you can say that the tattoo was something to celebrate getting out of school, maybe it was something for steph, maybe it was something that i just wanted and had no other thought in it at all, but i know i like Linkin Park and i know that it was a worth while tattoo, and something that i'm not going to regret. However it is very itchy, because in the morning i put cream on it so that it doesn't get itchy but the cream wears off by 4 in the afternoon, and i dont get home until 7:00 or even 7:30 depending on when my dad goes home. Today i ate chinese food again, i'm really starting to like chinese food now, sweet and sour pork or chicken is the best. All the different types of noodles are ok i mean noodles are noodles, i dont really haev a favourite because i mean they taste the same, the only difference is the sauce that the noodles are in. its 5:35 right now and my dad still has someone in his office, meaning we wont be getting out of here for awhile. I think its the Mr. Trautwine guy, or what ever his name is. Hes from german. He's here for a while, and at the moment when he needs a desk, he uses the one next to mine. Right now i'm not at my desk because i dont have a computer yet, and i still haven't gotten my new cell phone either. I get a company phone. I hope its one of those new blue blackberrys. Those are cool, its like a handheld computer, its got email and everything, plus its a phone. I hope i get that, and if not i hope i get a phone that has text msgs, so that i can send them and recieve them as well. And the best part is i dont have to pay for the phone, although i'm sure there are plenty of rules that i have to follow. But i hope that i can use the phone even when i'm not working, but that would kinda suck cuz then my parents could always contact me, at the moment they cant because i leaev my cell at home and it has no money on it, so all its good for is recieving text msgs from people. Other than that its no good, oh and that its a handy address book, its got all my important phone numbers in it. anyways i think thats enough for today, maybe i will post again later tonight.


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