Welcome to My December

Wednesday, June 23, 2004


yeah so a couple days ago i had a weird dream, but only really thought about it this morning. anyways the dream consisted of me at a funeral/viewing. more specifically laura's. She had died in that car crash she was in on her drivers test. Anyways so there i was at the funeral/viewing all dressed up and what not like your supposed to be. Everyone was there, chris, matt, liz, casey, leslie, sarah, john, stew, the whole gang. I'm not sure why i was there, but i felt it approprate to be there. So anyways i was one of the last ones to walk up to the casket, and i had brought with me that blue bear laura bought me when we were going out, and i placed it in the casket with her. said my goodbyes and then i woke up. I dont really know what to think of it, cant say it shows that i hate her or want her to die cuz i was upset that she was gone. I dont know, i've noticed that i go through phases when i'm having a hard time with a relationship. usually these phases consist of missing laura and having an urge to just call her up and talk to her about my problems but i never do. dotn really know what to make out of all this. but i'm sure this isn't the last time i'll be posting about this.


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