All my life I have gotten extremely close to my friends, i love them all, and i would die for any of them, cuz my friends are all i have indefinately, and I have never let them leave, which i have learnt is not always the best thing. i've never had a million friends or been very popular, but the ones i do have are special....Sara, I lost her for a few year when she moved to Toronto, then after a few years she came back...Diana, I only see her every now and then since she's gone to an art school and moved out of walking distance, and i don't like that, i think i have lost her alittle... Zoe lives in Bc, but so far we have been great seeing each other all the time when she's here, cept this summer i fucked it, but i'll do better at x-mas...Peggy i lived with her told her everything, saw her everyday, but she doesn't like me anymore and tho i still try to talk to her, she has decided i'm not good enough for her...Tyler, well tyler is stil around but we were closer before we both draw back on things we do, i don't know why, and i cna't fix that because even if i tel him everything it's not like he really listens....Kim/Kristy, well they left with kevin, what more is there to say on that one, even didn't think of them for a is more of just my note buddy of sharing secrets with, never really out of school...And dan, I could prolly have travelled the world with and never gotten bored, or ever worried what he'd think, not once, but that will dwindle away with time i bet...And look forgot richard, 9 months of everything imaginable to go through, yet faded away into nothing like everything else,should i let him go too... I have learnt that i can't force ppl to stay that i can't make things go my way, that when they do, never to give up, and take what i can get out of it...Sara's still sround and i'm glad she lives back here now, I'm glad zoe still wants to come visit her dad, just to hang with me, I'm glad Diana still will call me when i need to talk out my thoughts, I'm glad that tyler still around and we don't hate each other for everything that happened, i'm glad peggy is decent and says hi back to me, i'm glad tiff is still accepting notesm glad that richard was in my life, and i'll never forget how much he cared, and how much i needed him at one point, i'll never forget kim/kristy listening to my cry bout kevin, and not just pushing me away when i had noelse to talk too, I'm glad that Dan let me get close enough to love, liek all the rest. But when everything is said and done i'm thankful that i know that i was loved throught out my live if not anymore it was there at different times, that live changes and with it i take my past and learn for the futur to learn to keep my friend close to my heart, and I will always love all of you, always, and in my bed at night on a very quiet night i will rember you ,and i will cry for the lose i have suffered. Maybe one of you will be tyhere till then end, to share my heart with but if not there will be new ones that will finish with me, you began it, and they will finish it. i will always have a prayer for all of you, from past present and futur, to those I love...
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