Welcome to My December

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Anyways, so one day gone to waste so far because of my little run into Biggs yesterday during soccer tryouts. What I don't understand is how he walked away from it, while I had to gimp off the field. My knee was fine until I got home, then it really started to feel fucked, my knee has been getting a bit better during the day, my walking skills have been kinda on and off all day. On to another topic I like the fact that this new blogger has a spell check, but I gotta teach it some words so that I can still type the way I usually type but at least spell the bigger words right. Anyways, English class sucked today, it was the first time in two days that I've been there, and it really blows, analyzing essays is not something I like to do, let alone be being good at it. That's why I'm in the fucking class again, cuz I failed the first time, I cant do this shit. I don't have any problems with the teacher yet. Damn Mrs. Higgs called me down today cuz of the skippage that has taken place in the last two days. I avoided a detention which was good, but she said that they'll just kick me out if I skip instead of giving me a detention cuz I'm almost 18, and its my 5th year. Well it was an experience and a half to play pool today during spare, I haven't played pool in so long. I lost my skill. I think me getting on the soccer team is probably not gonna happen cuz, I mean, I sucked yesterday and I didn't go today cuz of my knee, which means that basically I didn't do to good in tryouts. Oh well what can you do. I cuz its just gonna have to stick with playing indoor soccer and what not again. I'm outta here for now....


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