Welcome to My December

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Interesting findings Dan, too bad I don't believe that, any of them can apply to anyone, it depends on how you realte it to your lives, but meh guess it's just a matter of opinion, still find them fun to play with...lol. Well steph odd how they never told me to stay away from you eh, lol. Newaz, I'm ot too sure why i'm on the net or what i'm waiting for but i am and it's very boring , i got kicked off the phone already once tonight, and it kinda sucks, made me realize that there is something majorly wrong with me, ppl just get mad, and don't trust me. I mean they trust trevor more and he's the one out getting fucking piss drunk, and high all at once and then wondering the streets....i just wish i knew what it was thats wrong with me so i can fix it, but it's not like it'll just be told to me so i guess i'm fucked. I don't want to be in this house i can't stand it, so tomorrow i'm not coming home, i'm going to stay out as long as i can since i have the whole danm day to work on homework, so then i can go out, i don't have a clue what i'll do yet ,but if i have to wonder i will, i'll get some change to take the bus everywhere, maybe go get myself ice-cream they go to wal-mart or go see a n earlier movie or some shit like that, i mean i have all day. well i guess thats all....


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